


竹島と慰安婦は一見直接関係が無いように見えますが、 実は色々な面で共通点やつながりがあります。また、竹島不法占拠を矮小化するために慰安婦問題で日本を攻撃しているという説もあります。



なお、以前のエントリですが、今この話題が再度ホットになっておりますので、ここにご紹介します。 時間がある時に和訳バージョンも後日ご紹介したいと思います。


South Korea is a country which keeps occupying Japan's Takeshima island and keeps attacking Japan claiming Comfort Women Issue is true.

Takeshima or Dokdo?

1 Imperial Japanese Army and Navy were dismantled in 1945.

2 Republic of Korea (ROK) led by President Syngman Rhee asked US to give Tsushima island to ROK and it was turned down in 1949.

3 Then in 1951, ROK asked US to give Takeshima (Dokdo) island to ROK and it was officially turned down again as seen in the Rusk documents by David Dean Rusk.


4 After that, ROK took Takeshima by force in January 1952. At the same time, ROK took about 4,000 Japanese fishermen as hostages, some of them got killed.

5 The San Francisco Peace Treaty came into force on April 28, 1952.

6 The Japan Self-Defense Forces were set up in 1954.

7 The Japanese Constitution (article 9) was another reason why Japan has not been able to take Takeshima back.

Japan has more than once asked ROK to peacefully resolve the issue at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), but ROK has never accepted it while Korean people as young as kindergartners keep saying "Dokdo belongs to Korea!""Dokdo belongs to Korea!" even in America.

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